


I started seeing Nivedita due to some unusual and unexpected work-related anxiety. Nivedita ed me immensely to deal with the short term anxiety, using a mixture of mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy. She also ed me visualise stressful meetings in advance, using EMDR to me to work through any blockages and leading to some successful outcomes for me
professionally. Furthermore, in addressing these issues, Nivedita has ed me to understand some of the underlying issues which have led to me avoiding conflict. We are contininuing to work together using Gestalt therapy to me uncover my own
emotions, re-frame and then constructively tackle a damaging relationship with a family member.

Nivedita takes a frank and direct approach, combining different techniques in a responsive way. She is clear about what she is doing and why, and every session I have had with her I have come away with a significant realisation about myself and my relationships, or a very practical technique to use in a difficult situation. She is insightful and regularly s me dig down and pinpoint a particular emotion or motivation.

Working with her continues to be immensely beneficial to my emotional life.

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We offer in-person consultation from 3 locations (MindworkX, ClearWater Bay and Repulse Bay)


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