

Priya Menon

I met Nivedita soon after I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. I wanted to try alternative healing in conjunction with the usual treatments for cancer, and I knew that Nivedita has successfully worked with cancer patients before.

Nivedita immediately changed my diet plan and we started working using PNI (Psychoneuroimmuno therapy) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). Although EMDR is usually used for trauma patients, Nivedita has successfully applied it to ing with cancer patients. She also recommended other treatments like Chinese acupuncture and lymphatic drainage.

The combination of PNI and EMDR really ed. The sessions with Nivedita ed me calm down and release my stress. She taught me visualization techniques that I could do by myself at home and I truly did not feel any fear when I went for my chemotherapy sessions! She also taught me Yoga Nidra and overall it was a very smooth ride during and after chemotherapy sessions.

I can safely say that I had no pain, no fear and no anxiety going into the chemotherapy sessions. I felt calm within myself and just accepted things as they came. Even when I started my radiation sessions, I felt no pain. The techniques Nivedita uses truly alter the thinking pattern and I can go through my treatment with more confidence.

In fact, my friends are surprised when I tell them I feel great. I have no discomfort, I am positive, I sleep well, I eat well and I’m not tired all the time. The part is that everything that I learnt from Nivedita is easy to understand and follow. She spends a lot of time explaining everything so it’s clear and you believe in your treatment.

I am 100% sure that my sessions with Nivedita created an impact on my thinking pattern. Nivedita prepared me for what was coming and her techniques boosted my immunity and I can feel it. I have had almost no side effects from the chemotherapy and radiation, and I attribute this to Nivedita and her holistic approach to cancer. This has been an inward journey, and I feel I have also evolved spiritually and I am able to go through this journey with a smile on my face and positive energy.

I am blessed and grateful to have found such a wonderful person like Nivedita. I am so happy I found her. Everything she says and does really matters because I have seen the difference her techniques and approach has made to my treatment journey. I don’t think it would have been this smooth without her.

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