
Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating is a workshop for dealing with your unhealthy food choices and cravings.

  • Have you been struggling with cravings?
  • Have you given up due to temptations, parties, social pressures and yo-yo dieting?


Mindful eating s you to ‘reset’ your mind towards leaner, healthier and energising foods.  Your mind is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and so are your unhealthy thoughts in relation to food choices! With unhealthy choices, your mind will overtake your wishes to eat for a healthier, energised and lean body. By resetting your mind, you will develop a genuine liking for leaner foods.

In this program you will learn:

  • to overcome your cravings
  • how to handle social pressures towards wrongful eating
  • re-define your relationship with food by understanding what kind of an eater you are
  • how to manage social engagements and relapses in eating healthy
  • to think like a lean, disciplined and healthy person


There are a variety of approaches to mindful eating, some rooted in Zen and other forms of Buddhism, others tied to yoga. We’ll use therapy tools including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness and Imaginal Exposure Therapy and Desensitization for Cravings.

If you want to adopt a healthier eating style, lose weight, assist with healing your body, and stop yo yo-dieting, this program is for you.

Duration: 6 hours and can be conducted on an individual or group basis.

For the individual participation, this workshop is taught across three, 2-hours sessions. For group sessions it is conducted on a single day, 10:00am t0 4:00 pm.

Age Group: 18 years and above

To enroll in the program, Contact Us.



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