Mar 01/18
Empathy: why we need more of it in a polarised world

Empathy can exist in varying degrees in individuals however; cultivating a life full of empathy for others can build relationships and facilitate harmony and bonding in our social, personal and professional lives.
Empathy can be described as walking a mile in somebody else’s shoes and according to Nivedita, empathy also has a survival function making it an important trait.
Read the article as featured on SCMP and see what Nivedita has to say about empathy and its impact on our relationships.
About the Author: With over 20 years of experience in Clinical Psychotherapy working with a broad cross-section of international clients in Singapore and India ranging from celebrities, teachers, homemakers, teenagers, couples, CEOs and executives, Nivedita Ramanujam offers holistic medical psychotherapy embracing mainstream psychotherapy with philosophy and mindfulness meditation.