Sep 15/19

The Sanskrit word moola means the foundation or root. Bandha means lock or restraint.
The two words Mooladhara chakra refer to the seat of the kundalini. The bandha or lock refers to the contraction of the perineum rendering us the location of the psychic centre of the mooladhara chakra.
Scriptural references such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita tell us that the moola bandha is extremely useful in the treatment of many mental states such as depression, neurosis and phobias.
Most noteworthy is its power in regulating hysteria and mania such as manic-depressive psychosis and early stages of schizophrenia.
The mooladhar chakra is also useful in activating the parasympathetic system to enhance deep relaxation, calm and the blood pressure decreases and one experiences conscious calm and joy.
I use basic mooladhar chakra therapy for patients suffering from any mental or physical ailment as it is a great harmonizer of the endocrine as well as the nervous systems.
Many cancers such as breast, cervical, ovarian, pancreatitis, thyroid, pituitary and prostate cancers are linked to our endocrinal system.
Moreover, the pituitary master gland is linked to all other endocrinal glands. This means that an impaired gland in one area affects other interlinked hormonal systems.
The mooladhara chakra exerts tremendous effects on the neuro-endocrinal systems making it an excellent psychoneuroimmuno therapy tool. One should never activate the moodhar chakra without the instructions of a trained initiate. Over stimulation or incorrect stimulation of the chakra can lead to neural and physical imbalances.
The eminent psychiatrist Carl Jung referred to the awakening of the kundalini as the experiencing eternity.
In my work with patients undergoing unexplained pain such as fibromyalgia and various cancers, I introduce moolatherapy only towards the very end of the entire PNI treatment as it requires a disciplined and dedicated mindset.