
Workplace aggression

Workplace aggression

If you are experiencing hostility, exclusion and aggression at work, you will be experiencing a lot of emotional difficulties.

It is a highly stressful situation and you may find it difficult to sleep and feel very anxious and fearful about what each day at work will unfold.

This is a painful situation to be in.  What can you do about it?  Before we get to any kind of solution focus, you probably want to find some tools to quieten your mind and manage your anxiety so that you can do some solution thinking.

Having ed countless individuals in this predicament, let me share with you what I could offer you with this issue.

You probably are in a heightened state of alertness and anxiety at work anticipating the next oppressive incursion.   You will be in a heightened state of arousal and startle response.

This is where I can intervene in a positive way.  We can ‘reset’ your state of arousal and anxiety and reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

Next, I will you learn some effective stress coping techniques to you get through these difficult moments when they present themselves each day.

We will then embark on solution focussed therapy to look at different options looking at the pros and cons of different strategies to deal with this issue.

Additionally and very importantly, we will look at conflict resolution communication and psychological strategies.  Using the Karpman’s triangle of persecutor-rescuer-victim, I will you understand how to create a new script in your relationships at work.

We will draw upon concepts in  Transactional Analysis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness, Meditation, Hypnosis and of course the wisdom thinkers and philosophers.

If your issues are also rooted in painful memories in the past with authority figures or bullying as a child, we will need to deal with these to make sure that your past is truly behind you as you move on to new resolutions. Contact Us to know how.






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