
Performance anxiety

Performance anxiety

Performance anxiety may be experienced due to an upcoming event, be it a speech, talk, exam or performance. It is rooted in an outcome focus rather than a process focus. In doing so, one is distracted from the present and transported to the future which no one knows and therefore presents itself in unpredictable terms.

Fears of ‘blanking out’ ‘freezing up’, ‘making mistakes’ and ‘losing’ entrap the individual in this spiral of negative thinking, therefore generating the negative feelings and negative performance.

It is highly amenable to hypno-breath interventions. Hypnobreath uses the principle of triggering the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems through activation of left and or right nostril breath.

According to Kundalini yogic breathing Left nostril (Ida) breath is calming and relaxing. Done in a correct rhythmic fashion, it induces calm, clarity, relaxation, release of fears and sleep.
There are myriad other ways that yogic breath can be used to improve athletic performance—from increasing mental concentration and improving flexibility and balance, to preventing common injuries and honing skills in a particular sport.

Done with the added combination of a hypnotic induction, it induces calm at a subconscious level.

In addition to this sort of psychoimmunoneuro work, we will commence exploration into the thought patterns underlying anxiety to unpack each layer of thought layer by layer to understand them better to eliminate the anxiety.

We teach you how to let go of being ‘results focussed’ and become ‘excellence focussed”. We then explore all the negative psychological processes that go into the creation of this fear based thinking.

Over the years I have ed many individuals get over their fears of the stage or public speeches and exams.

It is a highly rewarding journey as you achieve things you previously would never have dared dreamed of.

In addition to the above, we will impart techniques in:

  1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  2. Mindfulness
  3. Visual Imagery for improved performance and motivation to win

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is extremely effective in achieving

  • Improved discipline
  • Improved confidence and self-belief
  • Improved Stamina in training
  • Improved mindset and mental attitude
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved training results

Mindfullness based psychological therapy
Mindfulness is rooted in Buddhist teachings and applied in a sports setting to dissociate sensory disturbances and negative thoughts to achieve ‘single focus’ in sports performance.

Visual Imagery
Many top athletes use visual imagery techniques to get ‘in the zone’ when performing.
The internal perspective involves seeing yourself from inside your body looking out, as if you were actually performing your sport. The external perspective involves seeing yourself from outside your body like on video. Research indicates that one perspective is not better than the other.

We can conquer your performance anxiety. Contact Us to learn more.




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