


In a world of increasing digital contact, networking, partying, events and activities, there is an epidemic of loneliness going on. I see it in my work, year on year, increasingly, I have clients coming to me, reporting a sense of loneliness and being in a void.

We have families, but no one to turn to for comfort or real understanding due to complexities in relationships.

We have networking and business events, but yet feel isolated in our own minds and bodies.

The truth is that more contact does not equate to intimate contact. Some of us are even ‘guarded’ and keep people from approaching us on a deeper level. For others, it is a matter of being caught up in the daily grind of duties, work and posturing.

Apart from true loneliness due to the loss of a partner, isolation or re-location and the lack of friends, a more disturbing reality is that we wear ‘masks’.

We wear these masks to ‘fit in’ and to ‘connect’. The truth is, we are only distancing ourselves from others who play the same game.  Worse, we are also distancing ourselves from our own true selves.

Often, I hear:
“No one will understand”
“I can’t expect
“It’s all a show”

Right from high school, youngsters want to be part of sororities and frats and feel so rejected when they can’t be a part of the ‘cool gang’.  The ‘popular’ kids on the block dictate what is cool, who is a loser and what is trendy.

When we are excluded, we feel rejected and unworthy. Transferring this experience into the workplace, we experience subtle favouritism, office politics and fights for promotion.

Amidst so much human interaction, there is a growing sense of emptiness, void and disenchantment.

I see this in children as young as 6, who have a sense of neglect or entitlement. More is less and nothing is enough.

The reality is we don’t become intimate with ourselves. I often ask my clients if they are okay to holiday alone, go on a meditation retreat alone and practice ‘noble silence’ during retreats.

We are impatient, want instant gratification, talk more, listen less, and have many more attributes that contribute to our feelings of loneliness.

Building relationships is an art and it does not happen over social media, via texting or by networking events. It takes time, meaningful conversations and a real connect.  At times, due to a past hurtful experience, we put on ‘masks’ and are guarded in our behaviours. These too distance us from connecting with ourselves in intimacy.

Using time-tested eastern techniques, we you reach out to yourself and to others by shedding these ‘masks’.  This is a beautiful journey exploring your emotions, fears and aspirations. We celebrate who you are and you connect with your inner selves to find peace and completeness in your solitude, and in your relationships.

To learn more about how we can , Contact Us.

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