


In my experience, depression is nothing but anger turned inwards. It is experienced in different ways in different genders, ages, stages of life and varies in terms of symptoms.

Some may not even realise they are depressed, for others, it is debilitating.

It may be experienced as sadness by some with bouts of crying and low moods. With others, especially men, it may be experienced as irritability, tiredness and lack of interest in doing things.

Some may turn to drinking to ‘numb’ the feelings of loneliness and isolation, others may become silent and withdrawn.

There may be a loss of interest, appetite and a sense of hopelessness. There are various grades of depression.

You are not alone and it is treatable. Although you may feel reluctant to reach out since depression is characterised by inertia and loss of interest to do anything, you still need to deal with it.

Left untreated, depression will become overwhelming and affect the quality of your life deeply, including your relationships, goals, mental and physical well-being.

There can be many causes for depression. It could be due to an unresolved issue or conflict, ongoing trauma, being a witness of and/or subject to violence, challenging life events, hormonal changes, perceived failure, feeling let down, stressors etc.

There is much that can be done to overcome depression. If required, you may be referred to a psychiatrist to first stabilise your moods so that we can engage in meaningful therapy to sort out your issues. Sometimes the depression is so overwhelming that the individual isn’t able to sit through a session. In such cases, I use self-soothing movement therapy such as  rocking, breathing re-training and auto-genics to induce calm.

Depending on the nature and severity of depression, a treatment plan is formulated.

If the issues are related to a relationship, infidelity, or grief and loss, appropriate work is undertaken in a safe and compassionate environment to you address your problems.

In my experience, it often has to do with redirected anger towards the self. The feelings of hopelessness may have stemmed from a past experience .

We all co-create scripts, and the aim of therapy is to you look at how your script can be refined. This may involve re-visiting a past event, addressing a fear or making a decision.

Whatever the case, using a combination of western and eastern psychotherapies, we will unpack your issues for resolution.

If you believe to be suffering from depression or know someone who does, reach out to us to find out how we can . Contact Us.

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