
Category: Media

Sep 16/19

Panic Attacks

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  I recently shared insights on Panic Attacks with NAARI Magazine. Panic attacks can be unnerving and sometimes we don’t recognise the symptoms. In this article, I share how Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy ed a mother work […]

Mar 01/18

Empathy: why we need more of it in a polarised world

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  Empathy can exist in varying degrees in individuals however; cultivating a life full of empathy for others can build relationships and facilitate harmony and bonding in our social, personal and professional lives. Empathy can be described as walking a […]

Feb 14/18

How to make your inner critic your biggest fan, and why it’s been holding you back.

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  Our inner critic is shaped by our childhood memories. Many of our decision made at that time are stored in our conscious and subconscious mind and it tends to shape our personality as we grow older. Unfortunately, we don’t […]

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