
Day: December 21, 2016

Dec 21/16

Childhood traumas

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  Perhaps you have had parents or a parent who has been emmotionally abusive, angry or uncaring. These experience have a long lasting effect on your life even into adulthood. Perhaps, you see patterns of rejection or feel depressed. Psychodynamics […]

Dec 21/16

Recurrent catastrophic thoughts

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  A number of techniques are used to deal with catastrophic thoughts. These could stem from a past and future event. It could be rooted in a childhood experience or it could be an obsessive compulsive behaviour. Depending on the […]

Dec 21/16

Overcoming anxiety phobias and fears

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  The mind creates many associations, memory channels and reasons for fear. Fear is learned and feeds on its own fears. After a while, it becomes unconscious. We then start taking on secondary fears. For example a very turbulent ride […]

Dec 21/16

Mindfullness and Addiction

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  There are so may de-addiction programs. The focus is on ing the client to keep away from the alcohol or the drug. Typically, such a program will have individual counseling sessions, group process work, peer support and activity based […]

Dec 21/16


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  None of us are immune to its sting.  It is a universal human condition.  It comes in different guises and flavours. Some experience it in the form of a genetic condition, a physical disease, others in the form of […]

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