Feb 21/19
EMDR for Trauma and Stress

When something traumatic happens in your life, you may find that you are able to recall every detail of that event. Conversely, you may find it difficult to recollect the details if they are too painful. It might feel almost as if that experience or memory has been frozen in your mind and it is difficult to move on or find a resolution.
This memory or event impacts your day to day life and you find yourself unable to move past it. However, there are therapies that are available to you reprocess these memories and address them in a shorter time span. Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) is one of the therapies used to manage these types of memories and ongoing stress. The memories or stress can be based on medical conditions or relationship/personal conflicts. EMDR has separate systems that can with both.
Click here to read more on the What, Why and How of EMDR and its relation to Trauma and Stress.
If you’re wondering whether EMDR can be beneficial to your situation, contact Nivedita Ramanujam for a consultation.